Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Quick Cuts

Having a new baby in the house means less sleep, but more importantly it means less fishing.  However, I was given the opportunity to take the scenic route to one of my favorite lakes on the Grand Mesa.

This lake boasts a healthy population of Colorado Cutthroat.  I walked over to the inlet to watch the hundreds of fish do their thang'.  The majority of fish wouldn't give me the time of day, but a few were curious.

All fish were caught on nymphs behind egg patterns.  Nothing huge, but it felt good to get in an hour of fishing amongst the chaos of life.

Life is short, live it well


  1. Jeremy, if those beautiful Cutthroat are just from an hours time, sounds to me like I need to visit The Grand Mesa. (Never been there........) Very nice fish! Were you fishing your spinning gear or with a fly rod? Just curious.........

    1. Thanks Mel. I was using the fly rod. I tried the spinning gear first but had no luck. In hindsight it was fairly quick fishing, but when you can see the fish stacked up ignoring you, it seems a lot slower.

  2. Hey Jeremy. Any chance I could get a tip as to where this lake is at? I went up today looking for cutties and grayling and caught only rainbows and a few brookies.

    1. Hi Tanner. I always like to help guys out, but this lake is one that I really keep under wraps. Sorry :-( If you're looking for cutts the Mesa is a great place. The Cottonwood lakes area is full of them. The DOW is really big into the native Colorado Cutties. Give them a call and they can get you info on some of the lakes they are stocked in. I know Youngs Creek can be a good starting point as well.
