Here are some of their catches...with a little expert photoshopping of course ;)
Most of my time was spent baiting hooks, untangling messes, and unhooking fish. I barely had enough time for a couple casts, but I did manage this guy.
Other than that my time has been required in places away from the water...sigh. I'm aching to get out for a good long trip, but am scrambling to find the time. However, I realize the name of the blog is Troutings. How could I finish a post without one trout picture right?
Luckily, I was able to do a drive by on the Grand Mesa. There will be a lot more posts coming from this area as the roads and lakes open up.
For those who haven't been to the Mesa, you're just missing out. There are over 300 lakes scattered on the worlds biggest flat-top mountain. Half of them are supposed to be fishable. The altitude hovers around 10,000 feet and you find yourself amidst pines and quaking aspen. Being a Utah boy I feel like I'm in the offspring of the Uintah's and the Boulder's. Hopefully I find favor with brookies, grayling, and colorado river cutts this summer!
Anyways I digress...I did a drive by and saw a sliver of open water on Island Lake. I just had to stop. There wasn't much open water, maybe 10 feet.
I didn't have a ton of time, but did manage some feisty bows.
Nothing huge, but it got me pumped for the Mesa to thaw! Here's to a bright summer ahead with many amazing trips :)
Life is short, live it well.